Friday, September 13, 2013


SO you're probably thinking, "oh, Dartmouth is in New Hampshire. That's mountainous and cold, right?" thus your BTS shopping probably consists of cute leather boots, jeans... you get the idea.


Listen to my unfortunate story.

These first few days at orientation were hectic as hell (you must run to place to place to get things done around here), but what stressed me out the most was the weather.

It was 80 all week WITH 90 highs WITH intermittent thunderstorms.

So what does this mean?

It means that the weather is muggy and disgusting the majority of the time, and that your fall clothing will do jacksh- yeah. Your clothes are not gonna help you. What I found was a powerful combination was shorts and hunter boots (wellingtons). You're going to want to carry an umbrella too**. And if its raining in the morning, go get your rain jacket for good measure.

**It's windy a lot so this may or may not help. But on drizzly days, offering your umbrella makes good friends.


YOU WILL GET SWEATY. Please use deodorant. Also try to blot your face and bring water around. And although I'm trying to get word out to use deodorant, don't expect everyone to smell like roses and gourmand honey. They're going to smell REALLY NOT GOOD. And wait 'til the picture in front of Dartmouth hall when you sweaty guys get to stand SARDINE CLOSE TOGETHER and you have the wonderful experience of smelling the WHOLE CLASS'S SWEAT STANK AND MUDDY GRASS (which by the way is amplified by the humidity. Great!).

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